Answer the following questions: Nautilus House, Mexico
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Javier Senosiain
2. When was it built? 2006-2007
3. Where is it located? Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? It is a private building which is currently the home of a family.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? Yes, $218,000
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Yes, a family wanted to live in an unconventional home that made them feel more of a part of nature.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I first picked this building because I saw that it's in Mexico and I've never heard of it. I am originally from Mexico which i why it peaked my interest. Then once I googled the pictures of the house it sparked more interest because I've never seen architecture like that. I appreciate the architect's use of color and natural lighting, I feel as though not enough homes have those qualities and it makes the house that much more special.

Answer the following questions: La Pedrera, Spain
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Antoni Gaudí i Cornet and Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert
2. When was it built?1906-1912
3. Where is it located? Barcelona, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit buy must buy tickets.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? I could not find this information.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was meant to break the conventions of architecture at the time. It was characterized by asymmetry which brought many critics to it.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because I googled a picture of it and it seemed familiar. It reminded me of the Chartres Cathedral for some reason even though they look completely different. When looking at the history I was very shocked to see when it was built because I know it would have been controversial to build something like this in 1910 but change sparks from something different.

Answer the following questions: National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Paul Andreu
2. When was it built? 2001-2007
3. Where is it located? No.2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit, when you purchase a ticket to view a performance.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? More that 3 billion Yuan
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? China needed a performing arts center that'd be multi purpose. It has an Opera hall, a music hall, and theatre hall.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I picked this building because it seemed simple, it's not. It seemed small, it's not. It's actually ten stories tall but underground. I think it's crazy that they built so deeply underground and that it has around 165,000 square meters of space which hold an o
pera hall, Music hall, theater and art exhibition halls, restaurants, audio shops, and other things.

Answer the following questions: Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Szotyńscy & Zaleski
2. When was it built? 2004
3. Where is it located?
Sopot, Poland
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? I could not find this information.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? the building was meant to demonstrate tradition in Poland but through a warped fairytale mirror, it was inspired by the illustrations of Jan Szancer.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I picked this building because it seemed like a one of a kind. It seems unnatural but is not uncomfortable to looking at, making it intriguing. i think it's cool that anyone can visit it because it's a part of a shopping center, I think it's good to normalize the differences around us, like the architecture, so that we don't look at it as something completely extraordinary and just make it normal but admirable.

Answer the following questions: Habitat 67, Canada
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Moshe Safdie
2. When was it built? 1967
3. Where is it located? Montreal, Canada.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can rent one of the homes if you decide you'd like to live there.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? $140,000.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was supposed to be affordable housing for many people.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I chose this building because I thought it was cool that these little houses made a mountain shape. It seems unreal or minecraft like and it's weird that it was made in the 60's because I never would have guessed that. I think it's really col as well that the architect wanted social integration through architecture, it's really cool that he tried to make a difference through housing and art.