Thursday, October 31, 2019

Funny Captions

Robert King steps on the back end of the scale Janelle King is weighing herself on at their local gym.
Janelle has been trying to lose weight since last May but has not seen any improvement as of yet, Robert has been stepping on the scale for months.

Couple Maurice and Peter hold hands as they go trick or treating on Halloween in Austin, Texas. Both Maurice and Peter are diabetic but they went trick-or-treating to create a stockpile of candy to chow down on, "YOLO swag I say", Maurice said to fellow trick-or-treaters.

Jeff Robinson pushes the cart his wife Danica Robinson is riding after coming out of H-E-B to elevate Danica's mood. Danica was recently diagnosed with cancer and has not felt very happy since chemo, her walking is impaired but she also enjoys being pushed on a cart because it makes her feel "young again".

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