Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Portraits and self portraits intro

-work with different lighting
-using a wide angle
-hold your camera at an angle

Environmental portrait:
Image result for environmental portrait
I liked this photo because there are props in it but you still have a focal point of a man's smiling face.
You can also see the environment around him.

Image result for environmental portrait
I like this photo because the subject is very immersed in her environment but you can tell that she's the subject.

Photography self portrait:
Image result for photography self portrait
I chose this picture because I like how the photographer is not making eye contact with the camera, but rather with himself, I thought it was an interesting artistic choice.

Image result for photography self portrait
I chose this picture because I liked that the use of movement caught my attention.

Casual portrait:
Image result for casual portrait
I liked this picture because I like how there seems to be a sort of effect, but made by lights, which makes the picture look more creative. I like the colors in it too.
Image result for casual portrait

I like this photo because of the eye contact. I feel as though I'm looking at this woman in person and I like the lighting.

Answer the following questions: who will you shoot, where will you shoot, and what will you do to make the shot successful.

For the portrait assignment I will take pictures of my little brother, either in his room or somewhere on my front lawn for lighting purposes and for having a simple background. To make the shot successful I'll make sure to incorporate interesting props, if it's a picture that is not focused on his face and I'll make sure to keep the camera in focus.

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