Thursday, November 21, 2019

Magazines part 2

Image based covers have one or few people on the cover, usually smiling. This is the most common type of magazine cover pages. In image based magazines the photo has to match with the style of the publication. Illustration based magazines have drawn illustrations as their cover page, like The New Yorker. Publications that use Illustration based cover pages are usually independently published and don't rely on newsstands to sell their product. Type based magazine covers rely on type, either computer generated or handwritten, this is very rare but is becoming more popular.Type presents the words to grab a reader's attention. Concept based magazine covers can be a mix of all the other themes. They have to be instantly understandable and powerful. They are funny, witty, or impactful and are designed to pack a powerful punch, in order to get a reader to open the magazine. 

Finally, what is the relationship between words and photos on magazine covers and why is this important?

Photos on a cover are what grab a reader's attention and its name should be recognizable to readers, so don't change the design. The words on a magazine say what a magazine is about so the cover page should be related.

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