Thursday, November 28, 2019

Using a projector

Link the website you visited and make sure your blog is titled the same as the links above.

Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website).
The website showed the behind the scenes of a project made by two men to see what the outcome would be of them projecting lights onto nature. They took a projector into the forest and made a film.

What did you learn new?
If there's no harm in trying something new within nature, you should go for it. Nature as a subject is very broad but you can find ways to add even more beauty and life to it artistically.

If possible, post your favorite photo from the site.
Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 12.20.31 PM
If you have a photo to post, please answer the following questions:
a.     Why did you pick this photo?
I chose this photo because I liked the colors and in the film I felt like it was one of the most artistic pieces because the light moved on the mushrooms as though it was a water droplet.
b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo?
I see the frame is focused on the mushrooms, so simplicity, although it's not that simple.
c.     Who took the photo?
Tarek Mawad

If you looked at a video, please do the following:
a.     Describe what you saw in the video.
In the video you get to see the camera and projector setup that the animator and photographer used in order to capture the light from the projector. You also see how they edited where they wanted the lights to go.
b.     Try to figure out who made the video. If it was a photographer look them up on google and see if you can learn more about them.
Tarek Mawad
c.     If there is a story about the video on the website, paraphrase it in 2-3 sentences.
You learn that they spent 6 weeks on the project and it was meant to accentuate the natural beauty of nature. The artists were interested in the silent beauty of nature.
d.     What did you learn new?
They also made other films, such as Lucid. The films are meant to capture nature and landscapes.

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