Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Additional Sources for student of the month

Mark Robinson:
1.What makes a student qualify to be student of the month?
They must be an a student with averages in all classes above 95 unless in an AP class, then your average can be a 90. They also have to have good character that's been shown to us through their actions. They should also have extracurriculars which show us that they're a responsible student.
2.What made Isabel stand out and win student of the month?
We realized Isabel was a remarkable student when we saw all that she was doing for her peers. Isabel would be at dance practice for two hours and then pull out her homework to help struggling students who asked for her guidance. She's a role model for many students and even adults because of her kindness and dedication to school and sports.
3.What purpose do the student of the month awards serve?
The student of the month awards are meant to showcase our remarkable students and their dedication to their school. We want these awards to motivate students to reach their full academic potential.
Patricia Otero:
1.What do you think made Isabel win student of the month?
I think Isabel won because of all of the hard work she puts into school and into dance. I think the teachers saw how great of a student she is and decided to commemorate how special she is. 
2.How do you feel knowing Isabel won student of the month?
I'm super proud of her and glad that people are recognizing how incredible her talent is at school and outside of it. She's also very respectful and responsible and I think it shows. She's a very special person and I'm very glad I'm not the only one who knows that.
3.How do you think winning student of the month will affect Isabel?
I think Isabel will be positively impacted because of the award, I think it will give her a good reference point to know that she's doing good in school and to keep it up. 

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