Thursday, March 5, 2020

My first interview


1. What academic achievements led you to becoming student of the month?
Worked really hard to get good grades and helped other students when they needed help? How often? Once or twice a week.

2. What was your reaction to finding out you were student of the month?
Excited and surprised because she thinks there are other students who deserve to be student of the month. Usually get A's. Asks questions because she knows teachers will help her.

3. How does it feel to be awarded this title?
It feels good and it makes you think that you are a good student.

4.Why do you think you were chosen?
Teachers knew she had good grades and worked hard to get them.

5.What makes you stand out from other students?
Works really hard, also does sports and helps anyone who needs anything when asked to. Sports team? On the volleyball team and a dancer also. Hours? Two times a week to dance and two times a week to volleyball. Volleyball after school, dance in school.

6. When was your fist time being student of the month?
First time being student of the month and feels excited, hopes to be student of the month again.

7.What privileges do you have with this title?
On final exams she gets one extra incentive.

8. How'd you find out you were student of the month?
Announced it in the morning on day she was awarded, March 2.

9. Who awarded the title to you?
Certificate in first period chemistry, Westmoreland

10.What is the best part of being student of the month?
It feels good to know you are doing good in school and that you can help other students knowing that they trust you.

11. How'd your parents react when they found out you were student of the month?
They were really proud and knew that she could receive the award.

12. How'd your friends react knowing you were student of the month?
They were also proud but were a little bit jealous because they also work very hard and wanted an award too.

13.What advice would you give to someone wanting to be the next student of the month?
They should work really hard, help other students when they need it, and respect your teachers always.

14.What did you do to celebrate your achievement?
Went to have lunch with her friends and later had dinner with her family. Family was more supportive because friends were a bit jealous.

15. What was the best reaction you've encountered to someone finding out you're student of the month?
Her mom had a huge smile on her face and hugged her saying she was proud of her, Patricia.

16.What do you do outside of school?
Plays golf outside of school and goes to dance classes outside of school.

17.What has this title changed in your life?
It made her realize that if you work really hard for something you can achieve your dreams, worked really hard but was surprised to be awarded.

18.What is good about naming someone student of the month?
People see you in a different way and you garner the trust of more people, more people ask for academic help.

19. What is bad about naming someone student of the month?
Some people talk bad about you because they also believe that they deserved the award.

20. What has this award motivated you to continue doing?
It has motivated me to work very hard, to get to achieve my dreams, and makes me realize it's easier to achieve one dream than I thought.

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