Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Forced perspective

1. What is Forced Perspective? Describe in 2-3 sentences

2. What is Macro Photography? Describe in 2-3 sentences

3. What is Micro Photography? Describe in 2-3 sentences

4. Think of 3-4 things you will need to do to get these photos to come out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


1. Where is one place on the internet you might go to better prepare yourself for the location you are shooting at?
Google maps and street side view of the location to better prepare for your shoot.

2. What is one app you might download to help you when trying to pick the best angle to take landscape photos?
 Photographer's Ephemeris.

3. What is the biggest problem shooting with a zoom or telephoto lens?
You don't get distant details and wide angles may be distorted.

4. Instead of using the HDR method which you will learn about next in my class, what is another technique the website suggest would be acceptable for compensating for sky and ground?
Digital SLR's

5. List three things you should always carry in case of bad weather.
Strong waterproof plastic bag, cleaning cloths for the lens glass and filters, microfibre towel.

6. Why would pre-scouting help you when shooting?
To take a unique approach to the picture by finding different viewpoints.

7. Is subject or composition more important in landscape photography, WHY?
A subject is more important because it's what you want to capture in the first place and focus on, then you worry about composition after you define your subject.

8. What is the suggested procedure to create simple, yet striking images?
Check that all of the elements of the scene work together, and that the main element you identified at the start is still what your eye is drawn to.

9. Why black and white?
Add a new twist to a picture, especially if it's already very monochromatic.

10. Why would you want to go back to a location you have already been?
It may have a different look at different times of year and you might find an interesting composition.

11. Find three landscape images that you like and post them with this blog.
Photography Tutorial: 5 Steps to Take Wide Angle Landscapes

Landscape pictures · Pexels · Free Stock Photos

Landscape Photography

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Personal essays

1. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic?
That I should write about something I truly care about and am interested in.

2. What was one idea the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece?
I should use personal memories or stories.

3. List three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you will use as you write.
-Use facts but more opinions
-If writing about a bigger theme connect it back to personal stories
-Use a proper hook that attracts the reader's attention

Student of the month story

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Additional Sources for student of the month

Mark Robinson:
1.What makes a student qualify to be student of the month?
They must be an a student with averages in all classes above 95 unless in an AP class, then your average can be a 90. They also have to have good character that's been shown to us through their actions. They should also have extracurriculars which show us that they're a responsible student.
2.What made Isabel stand out and win student of the month?
We realized Isabel was a remarkable student when we saw all that she was doing for her peers. Isabel would be at dance practice for two hours and then pull out her homework to help struggling students who asked for her guidance. She's a role model for many students and even adults because of her kindness and dedication to school and sports.
3.What purpose do the student of the month awards serve?
The student of the month awards are meant to showcase our remarkable students and their dedication to their school. We want these awards to motivate students to reach their full academic potential.
Patricia Otero:
1.What do you think made Isabel win student of the month?
I think Isabel won because of all of the hard work she puts into school and into dance. I think the teachers saw how great of a student she is and decided to commemorate how special she is. 
2.How do you feel knowing Isabel won student of the month?
I'm super proud of her and glad that people are recognizing how incredible her talent is at school and outside of it. She's also very respectful and responsible and I think it shows. She's a very special person and I'm very glad I'm not the only one who knows that.
3.How do you think winning student of the month will affect Isabel?
I think Isabel will be positively impacted because of the award, I think it will give her a good reference point to know that she's doing good in school and to keep it up. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My first interview


1. What academic achievements led you to becoming student of the month?
Worked really hard to get good grades and helped other students when they needed help? How often? Once or twice a week.

2. What was your reaction to finding out you were student of the month?
Excited and surprised because she thinks there are other students who deserve to be student of the month. Usually get A's. Asks questions because she knows teachers will help her.

3. How does it feel to be awarded this title?
It feels good and it makes you think that you are a good student.

4.Why do you think you were chosen?
Teachers knew she had good grades and worked hard to get them.

5.What makes you stand out from other students?
Works really hard, also does sports and helps anyone who needs anything when asked to. Sports team? On the volleyball team and a dancer also. Hours? Two times a week to dance and two times a week to volleyball. Volleyball after school, dance in school.

6. When was your fist time being student of the month?
First time being student of the month and feels excited, hopes to be student of the month again.

7.What privileges do you have with this title?
On final exams she gets one extra incentive.

8. How'd you find out you were student of the month?
Announced it in the morning on day she was awarded, March 2.

9. Who awarded the title to you?
Certificate in first period chemistry, Westmoreland

10.What is the best part of being student of the month?
It feels good to know you are doing good in school and that you can help other students knowing that they trust you.

11. How'd your parents react when they found out you were student of the month?
They were really proud and knew that she could receive the award.

12. How'd your friends react knowing you were student of the month?
They were also proud but were a little bit jealous because they also work very hard and wanted an award too.

13.What advice would you give to someone wanting to be the next student of the month?
They should work really hard, help other students when they need it, and respect your teachers always.

14.What did you do to celebrate your achievement?
Went to have lunch with her friends and later had dinner with her family. Family was more supportive because friends were a bit jealous.

15. What was the best reaction you've encountered to someone finding out you're student of the month?
Her mom had a huge smile on her face and hugged her saying she was proud of her, Patricia.

16.What do you do outside of school?
Plays golf outside of school and goes to dance classes outside of school.

17.What has this title changed in your life?
It made her realize that if you work really hard for something you can achieve your dreams, worked really hard but was surprised to be awarded.

18.What is good about naming someone student of the month?
People see you in a different way and you garner the trust of more people, more people ask for academic help.

19. What is bad about naming someone student of the month?
Some people talk bad about you because they also believe that they deserved the award.

20. What has this award motivated you to continue doing?
It has motivated me to work very hard, to get to achieve my dreams, and makes me realize it's easier to achieve one dream than I thought.

Image result for inverted pyramid style

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Student of the month interview

Assignment #2:

Imagine you are working, as a reporter, for the school newspaper and your editor gives you the assignment to interview the student of the month.

1. Please come up with 20 questions you could ask them and post them on your blog in a separate post called "Student of the Month Interview."
1. What academic achievements led you to becoming student of the month?
2. What was your reaction to finding out you were student of the month?
3. How does it feel to be awarded this title?
4.Why do you think you were chosen?
5.What makes you stand out from other students?
6. When was your fist time being student of the month?
7.What privileges do you have with this title?
8. How'd you find out you were student of the month?
9. Who awarded the title to you?
10.What is the best part of being student of the month?
11. How'd your parents react when they found out you were student of the month?
12. How'd your friends react knowing you were student of the month?
13.What advice would you give to someone wanting to be the next student of the month?
14.What did you do to celebrate your achievement?
15. What was the best reaction you've encountered to someone fining out you're student of the month?
16.What do you do outside of school?
17.What has this title changed in your life?
18.What is good about naming someone student of the month?
19. What is bad about naming someone student of the month?
20. What has this award motivated you to continue doing?

2. You will pair up with someone next class and ask them your questions, and they will get to ask you their questions. I will assign pairs.

3. Then post the answers you got on your blog, you can post them on the same or a different post. If you use the same post as above, please use a different color, or font, or you can use regular and italics.


Preparing to do an interview

Assignment #1:

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
-The principal
-A student
-A teacher
2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.
-What was the motivation behind enforcing school uniforms?
-What physical freedoms will students have with their appearance?
-When will this policy begin to be enforced?
-When was this policy thought of?
- How do you feel about the policy?
-What will be beneficial about the policy?
-What will be negative about the policy?
- Who came up with the policy?
- Is the policy permanent?
- What other policies would benefit the school?
- Do you believe your students should be able to express themselves in fashion?
- Do you think the school uniforms will fix the problem the school is having with distractions, why or why not?
-What design will the uniforms have?
-Is it fair to students to have this uniform policy made?
-What is the opinion of parents?
-How much will uniforms cost?
-Why are all schools going to have uniforms?
-Are there going to be any other new dress code rules, if so, which ones?
-What will students do in the winter?
Are there seasonal or multipurpose uniforms?
- What is the next step if uniforms do not solve the problem at hand?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sensory overload

1. The last sentence of the story says

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

Please write at least 2-3 sentences on what you think about this statement, you should explain why you agree or disagree.

I agree, we have new inventions and a constant outlet for entertainment, admiring architecture seems like an afterthought now. In this age we look at what will entertain us, please us visually, or what we can buy, we no longer look at where we are but what's being held inside. I think that it may be a problem because we're no longer getting the calm of surveying our surroundings.

As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?
I feel like I have to grab the attention of a viewer, as a product would but that my photo wouldn't be interesting enough if it was not showing something a product that could be used by consumers.

2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?
No, I would have wanted to look around at all the little trinkets.

3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?
I think it'd be fun but also overwhelming. I'm guessing parents work long shifts to accommodate so many customers so it'd be boring after a while to be in the same place. It'd be fun if they let you play with the toys or meet other kids. It may be overwhelming to always be surrounded by piles of plastic colors.
4. Please take a screen shot of your favorite image and tell me why it is your favorite.
This is my favorite photo because it looks most intricate, you can see the products in detail and I think that's nice.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Architecture preview part 2

Go back to Architecture preview #1. For the 5 buildings you picked out for that assignment, I want you to go find 1 photo for each of the prompts listed above. Find one image that shows details, one for light, one for patterns, one for angles and shapes and finally one image for surroundings for EACH of the five buildings. Post these images on your blog in a new post called Architecture preview #2. You should label each image and you should post a total of 25 images today. I know that it might be hard to find each of these for your selected building, but do the best you can. If you absolutely cannot find an image that works for one of the prompts, indicate that in your blog post. Do NOT turn in less than 22 images.

Nautilus House, Mexico
1. Details

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico

2. Light

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico

3. Patterns

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico

4. Angles and shapes

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico
5. Surroundings

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico

La Pedrera, Spain
1. Details

Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

2. Light
Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

3. Patterns

Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

4. Angles and shapes
Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

5. Surroundings
Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
1. Details
Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

2. Light

Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

3. Patterns

Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

4. Angles and shapes

Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

5. Surroundings
Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Details

Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

2. Light

Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

3. Patterns

Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

4. Angles and shapes

Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

5. Surroundings
Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

Habitat 67, Canada
1. Details

Image result for inside apartments in habitat 67

2. Light

Image result for Habitat 67, Canada

3. Patterns

Image result for Habitat 67, Canada

4. Angles and shapes

Image result for Habitat 67, Canada

5. Surroundings

Image result for Habitat 67, Canada

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Architecture preview 1

Image result for Nautilus House, Mexico
Answer the following questions: Nautilus House, Mexico
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Javier Senosiain
2. When was it built? 2006-2007
3. Where is it located? Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? It is a private building which is currently the home of a family.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? Yes, $218,000
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Yes, a family wanted to live in an unconventional home that made them feel more of a part of nature.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I first picked this building because I saw that it's in Mexico and I've never heard of it. I am originally from Mexico which i why it peaked my interest. Then once I googled the pictures of the house it sparked more interest because I've never seen architecture like that. I appreciate the architect's use of color and natural lighting, I feel as though not enough homes have those qualities and it makes the house that much more special.

Image result for La Pedrera, Spain
Answer the following questions: La Pedrera, Spain
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Antoni Gaudí i Cornet and Josep Maria Jujol i Gibert
2. When was it built?1906-1912
3. Where is it located? Barcelona, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit buy must buy tickets.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? I could not find this information.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was meant to break the conventions of architecture at the time. It was characterized by asymmetry which brought many critics to it.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because I googled a picture of it and it seemed familiar. It reminded me of the Chartres Cathedral for some reason even though they look completely different. When looking at the history I was very shocked to see when it was built because I know it would have been controversial to build something like this in 1910 but change sparks from something different.

Image result for National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
Answer the following questions: National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Paul Andreu
2. When was it built? 2001-2007
3. Where is it located? No.2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit, when you purchase a ticket to view a performance.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? More that 3 billion Yuan
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? China needed a performing arts center that'd be multi purpose. It has an Opera hall, a music hall, and theatre hall.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I picked this building because it seemed simple, it's not. It seemed small, it's not. It's actually ten stories tall but underground. I think it's crazy that they built so deeply underground and that it has around 165,000 square meters of space which hold an opera hall, Music hall, theater and art exhibition halls, restaurants, audio shops, and other things.

Image result for Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
Answer the following questions: Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Szotyńscy & Zaleski
2. When was it built? 2004
3. Where is it located? Sopot, Poland
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can visit.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? I could not find this information.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? the building was meant to demonstrate tradition in Poland but through a warped fairytale mirror, it was inspired by the illustrations of Jan Szancer.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I picked this building because it seemed like a one of a kind. It seems unnatural but is not uncomfortable to looking at, making it intriguing. i think it's cool that anyone can visit it because it's a part of a shopping center, I think it's good to normalize the differences around us, like the architecture, so that we don't look at it as something completely extraordinary and just make it normal but admirable.

A wide image showing a complete view of Habitat 67 as seen from the port.
Answer the following questions: Habitat 67, Canada
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Moshe Safdie
2. When was it built? 1967
3. Where is it located? Montreal, Canada.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? You can rent one of the homes if you decide you'd like to live there.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? $140,000.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was supposed to be affordable housing for many people.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) I chose this building because I thought it was cool that these little houses made a mountain shape. It seems unreal or minecraft like and it's weird that it was made in the 60's because I never would have guessed that. I think it's really col as well that the architect wanted social integration through architecture, it's really cool that he tried to make a difference through housing and art.