Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Shutterbug websites

The website that called my attention to it was BagNews, I see it is very visual and I easily focus on pictures. The websites intention is to inform an audience on current events through pictures and help readers understand to not be biased because of pictures on other sites. Their goal is to fluidly speak to their reader and help them visualize the truth about a situation and decode a picture for its bias. When I went on the website today I saw that they had written about our world current events including the bushfires in Australia and the assassination of Suleimani. The average reader can see news and pictures that are captivating and the staff at BagNews' opinion on whether the photo is biased. This can help an audience become informed on how to tell whenever a photo is biased in news in order to formulate a true opinion on a situation. I personally would not add this to my bookmarks bar if no one asked me to because I don't frequently read news. I prefer to listen to it because my attention span is quite short. Although I wouldn't use this website much I would recommend it to others who do read a lot of news or look at pictures of news so that they can learn what media bias in photos can look like.

I'd rate the website a 4 out of 5 because it was easy to go through but the content is not incredibly important to me because I read media bias quite well and formulate my own opinion about news and facts quite easily.

Photo: Rev. Karen Clark Ristine. Caption: A nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a refugee family separated was displayed Saturday at the Claremont United Methodist Church in California.

I learned from this website to be a bit more mindful with the opinions I form when I look at a picture. I immediately look at a picture when it is provided and it could have some bias in it. For example, in the photo above I think there is a bit of bias. I think it's meant to really grab the attention of conservatives or people who discriminate against refugees by creating a captivating image of separating religious figures. It's not necessarily aimed to captivate all audiences because it uses religion and religious figures to grab the attention of a reader. I understand the message but I do think it's a bit biased. By learning about the picture I can realize not to formulate my opinion as much on the picture and use the news story to understand the photo instead.

Self-Portrait vs Selfie

What is a selfie?
What is a self-portrait?
Is there a difference? If so, what?
What style do you prefer? Why?
Is one more valuable/important than the other? Why?

Selfies are self portraits that are easily replaceable or of even disposable quality. A self portrait is carefully composed and the mistakes in it are not easily erased. A selfie is usually done with a mobile device. Although selfies are different than a traditional self portrait, they could still be considered a self portrait but a selfie is more informal. I think both are equally valuable because they cause human reaction, just for different reasons.

A selfie can disappear easily because the feeling around it is usually casual and meant to capture small moments. Self portraits are meant to last because they are meant to capture the essence of a subject formally. Another way to describe a selfie vs a self portrait is that a selfie is meant to spark a bit of conversation and immediate reaction. Selfies are a mode of communicating something quickly. Self portraits are usually viewed as art or want to be interpreted in that way.

I personally prefer self portraits when trying to take a picture expressing who I am or trying to make something artistic. I do recognize that selfies are quick and can capture moments which I appreciate but I value self portraits more because they take more effort. I've included a selfie below which captures a moment, me after a haircut which sparks conversation, 'Is it good?', 'Is it bad?', but it is not meant to be viewed as art, didn't take much effort, and is easily forgotten.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Phobia Project

A. 1. What is a Phobia?
A phobia is an extreme fear or anxiety about a situation or object which compels someone to try to avoid it. If a person had to endure their phobia they will likely be in distress.

B. List and define 5 phobias from The Phobia List: http://phobialist.com
Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness
Automysophobia- Fear of being dirty
Carnophobia- Fear of meat
Dendrophobia- Fear of trees

C. Brainstorm on your blog possible ideas for your Phobia photo.
I chose these words above because I can think of things to do with each.
For Arachnophobia I could get a spider and put it on my leg to take a picture, which would spark fear in someone with arachnophobia. Or I could take a picture of one outside.
For achluophobia I could take a picture of one of my family members being visibly in fear of the darkness in a bed, where they'd be trying to cover themselves in a blanket.
For Automysophobia I could take a picture of very dirty hands or feet maybe by walking barefoot in the street.
For carnaphobia I could take a picture of someone looking squeamishly at meat, my sister seems to have this fear a bit.
Dendrophobia is where I can pose someone as seen being afraid of encountering a tree. By walking around it while looking at it fearfully or maybe even stopping in their tracks.
Mychophobia is the fear of mold. I can grow some mold, even though I don't like it.

Figure(s) & Object(s) (which should reveal something of the phobia in the photo)
Format: horizontal vs Vertical
Subject Placement: Rule of Thirds, balance, ???
Background - what will be behind your subjects?
Point of View - where you place the camera, and what perspective do you want your viewers to see?
Lighting: create mood/feeling
Clothing: can suggest personal style/career profession
Subject: mannerism, reactions, expressions and body language

D. What photographic techniques can you use to help highlight your images? Come up with one idea for each of your three photos you will take

Automysophobia- Use viewpoint which highlights the dirty surface but not the full subject.
Achluophobia- Use lighting to capture the essence of the darkness and shadows but make sure you can see the expression of fear.
Mychophobia- Simplicity to capture the mold.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Welcome back 2020

This is one of my favorites because it demonstrates passion and action in children about an important topic, climate change. I think it's good that someone is voicing their opinion on a great issue and their are many voices.

 I like this photo because of the colors and the happiness shown within it.

I liked this photo because it's the first photo of a black hole and it makes me thing about what lies beyond Earth.

1. Best song of 2019
Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee
I chose this as my favorite song from 2019 because I found myself enjoying whenever it came on the radio. It's a song which was also in Spiderman- into the spider-verse and I enjoyed that movie. I felt that the movie brought more representation for youth because the main character was a person of color and I think it's important for stories to show different kinds of people, especially for children. I felt represented as well because of the Spanish in the movie. The movie and song are light-hearted which makes them easy to enjoy.

2. Best movie of 2019
Toy Story 4
Image result for toy story 4
This was my favorite movie of 2019 because I got to watch it in theatre's. I usually don't see movies in a cinema so it was a treat to be able to go with my family and I enjoyed the movie because I felt as though it was supposed to help the audience grow up as well.

3. Most important news of 2019

To me the most important news story of 2019 was the story of the El Paso shooting in Walmart which killed 22 people. It was important to me because I have family in El Paso and my cousins were about to go to that specific Walmart that day but they became too tired. The gunman drove 11 hours to kill Mexicans and it scares me that people are so hateful and violent today for ignorant reasons and it's scary. It makes it feel very real that racism exists because I'm not faced with much because I "look white" but when I'm with my mom or speaking Spanish I do get looks. It makes me scared I may be shot for being Mexican.

4. Most important person of 2019
Related image
To me the most important person in 2019 socially was Donald Trump. He caused a lot of national hatred and political unrest. People don't feel safe in our country having a leader that does not represent us, I'm including myself. Trump works to disrespect others and for corrupt reasons, I think it sucks but it's important to recognize. He is important, especially in 2019's history because he caused so many issues and I don't respect his actions.

5. Sport/ entertainment moment/person
The United States women's national soccer team won the 2019 World Cup.

Image result for 2019 world cup womens

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
I will remember visiting my Uncle in Monterrey and him telling my siblings and I that he and my aunt are expecting their first child. I'll have a cousin which is fun.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2020 year?
My resolution for 2020 is to be more positive and more carefree with my attitude to feel happier.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2020?
In 2020 I'm looking forward to turning 16, learning to drive, and getting a job.