Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1.) The thing that first caught my eye was the distinct subject. Alvarez always seems to frame his subjects and center them with the background. Another thing that caught my eye was the amount of detail in the photos, although it's in black and white, you feel like it's in color because you can imagine it based on the detail.

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

I see- Frida Kahlo looking at the camera. She's looking directly into the lens waiting for me to take her picture. I also see Frida's reflection in the silver ball next to her.
I smell- Misty air. It's the morning and the window's are open in a big room. There is air around me and Frida and it's chilly. The room smells like fresh water and a bit of paint.
I hear- The shutter of the camera. Every time I take a picture I hear the camera take it and I also hear when Frida shifts her poses.
I taste- Water from the air. When I open my mouth to talk, I taste water from the crisp morning air.
I feel- I feel the coldness of the camera. I also feel the chilliness of the room. I feel the freshness of the air.

I see- Two fire workers in front of me with sooty clothes. I see the plain cement background. I placed them in front of a building. I see the shadows that hit them because they're posed outside.

I smell- Dirt and smoke. The air has a fresh smell but mixed with a bit of smoke. I smell dirt from the ground.
I hear- Commotion. We are not the only ones outside. I can also hear the fire worker's clothes whenever they move because their clothes are thick and make lots of noise from moving against each other.
I taste- Smokey air. Whenever I give directions of how to possibly stand, a smoke enters my mouth. I also taste a dirty, soil taste from the floors that have dirt on them. 
I feel- Heat. It's hot outside and the building behind the subjects has heat given off of it as well. I feel the sun on my side. I can't see completely well but I thought this was a good angle to photograph because the subjects are facing in the direction of their shadows.

 I'd make a powerpoint that shows different photographs and the different styles that Manuel Alvarez Bravo used. I'd show an array of his photographs and tell some of the stories of who or what h photographed to make the powerpoint interesting. 

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